Wie in jedem Jahr zu dieser Zeit haben die Veranstalter der weltweit größten Comic-Messe, der “Comic-Con International”, die Nominierungen für die diesjährigen „Eisner Awards“ bekannt gegeben. Die Preisverleihung wird in einer feierlichen Zeremonie vorgenommen werden, die in diesem Jahr am 21. Juli  – natürlich während der „Comic-Con International“ in San Diego – abgehalten wird.

Der Verlag Image Comics kann sich über die größte Zahl an Nominierungen erfreuen: 20 – ! – sowie 6 weitere, die man sich mit anderen teilt.  DC Comics kommen auf 11 Nominierungen + 5 “geteilte”, Fantagraphics  erhielt 13 Nominierungen, Marvel kommt auf 9 ( + 3 „geteilte“), Dark Horse Comics hat ebenfalls 9 Nominierungen (sowie 2 „geteilte“).

Hier eine kurze Auswahl einiger, weniger Nominierungen:

Best Short Story

    “The Beekeeper’s Due,” by Jimmy Stamp and Débora Santos, in Scott Snyder Presents: Tales from the Cloakroom (Cloakroom Comics)

    “Finding Batman” by Kevin Conroy and J. Bone in DC Pride 2022 (DC)

    „Good Morning,“ by Christopher Cantwell and Alex Lins, in Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood #4 (Marvel)

    “Silent All These Years,” by Margaret Atwood and David Mack, in Tori Amos: Little Earthquakes (Z2)

    “You Get It,” by Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto, in Amazing Fantasy #1000 (Marvel)

Best Single Issue/One-Shot

    Batman: One Bad Day: The Riddler, by Tom King and Mitch Gerads (DC)

    Mary Jane & Black Cat Beyond, by Jed Mackay and C. F. Villa (Marvel)

    Moon Knight: Black, White, and Blood #3, edited by Tom Brevoort (Marvel)

    Star Trek #400, edited by Heather Antos (IDW)

    A Vicious Circle Book 1, by Mattson Tomlin and Lee Bermejo (BOOM! Studios)

Best Continuing Series

    Daredevil, by Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto and Rafael de Latorre (Marvel)

    The Department of Truth, by James Tynion IV and Martin Simmonds (Image)

    Killadelphia, by Rodney Barnes and Jason Shawn Alexander (Image)

    The Nice House on the Lake, by James Tynion IV and Alvaro Martinez Bueno (DC)

    Nightwing, by Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo (DC)

    She-Hulk, by Rainbow Rowell, Rogê Antônio, Luca Maresca, and Takeshi Miyazawa (Marvel)

Best Limited Series

    Animal Castle, by Xavier Dorison and Felix Delep (Ablaze)

    Batman: One Bad Day, edited by Dave Wielgosz and Jessica Berbey (DC)

    The Human Target, by Tom King and Greg Smallwood (DC)

    Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham: The Silver Age, by Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham (Marvel)

    Superman: Space Age, by Mark Russell, Michael Allred, and Laura Allred (DC)

Best New Series

    The Atonement Bell, by Jim Ousley and Tyler B. Ruff (Red 5)

    Love Everlasting, by Tom King and Elsa Charretier (Image)

    Public Domain, by Chip Zdarsky (Image)

    Star Trek, by Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Ramon Rosanas (IDW)

    Traveling to Mars, by Mark Russell and Roberto Meli (Ablaze)

Best Writer

    Grace Ellis, Flung Out of Space (Abrams ComicArts)

    Tom King, Batman: Killing Time, Batman: One Bad Day, Gotham City: Year One, The Human Target, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow (DC); Love Everlasting (Image)

    Mark Russell, Traveling to Mars (Ablaze), One-Star Squadron, Superman: Space Age (DC); The Incal: Psychoverse (Humanoids)

    James Tynion IV, House of Slaughter, Something Is Killing the Children, Wynd (BOOM! Studios); The Nice House on the Lake, The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country (DC), The Closet, The Department of Truth (Image)

    Chip Zdarsky, Stillwater (Image Skybound); Daredevil (Marvel)

Best Writer/Artist

    Sarah Andersen, Cryptid Club (Andrews McMeel)

    Kate Beaton, Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands (Drawn & Quarterly)

    Espé, The Pass (Graphic Mundi/Penn State University)

    Junji Ito, Black Paradox, The Liminal Zone (VIZ Media)

    Zoe Thorogood, It’s Lonely at the Centre of the Earth (Image)

Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team

    Jason Shawn Alexander, Killadelphia, Nita Hawes’ Nightmare Blog (Image)

    Alvaro Martínez Bueno, The Nice House on the Lake (DC)

    Sean Phillips, Follow Me Down, The Ghost in You (Image)

    Bruno Redondo, Nightwing (DC)

    Greg Smallwood, The Human Target (DC)

Best Painter/Multimedia Artist (interior art)

    Lee Bermejo, A Vicious Circle (BOOM! Studios)

    Felix Delep, Animal Castle (Ablaze)

    Daria Schmitt, The Monstrous Dreams of Mr. Providence (Europe Comics)

    Sana Takeda, The Night Eaters: She Eats the Night (Abrams ComicArts); Monstress (Image)

    Zoe Thorogood, Rain (Syzygy/Image)

    Thomas Woodruff, Francis Rothbart! The Tale of a Fastidious Feral (Fantagraphics)

Best Cover Artist (for multiple covers)

    Jen Bartel, She-Hulk (Marvel)

    Bruno Redondo, Nightwing (DC)

    Alex Ross, Astro City: That Was Then . . . (Image); Fantastic Four, Black Panther (Marvel)

    Sana Takeda, Monstress (Image)

    Zoe Thorogood, Joe Hill’s Rain (Syzygy/Image)

Eine komplette Übersicht aller Nominierungen in allen Sektionen (z.B. Best Humor Publication, Best Anthology, Best Reality-Based Work, Best Graphic Memoir, Best Graphic Album—New, Best Graphic Album—Reprint, Best Adaptation from Another Medium, Best Archival Collection/Project—Strips (at least 20 years old), Best Archival Collection/Project—Comic Books (at least 20 Years Old), Best Coloring, Best Lettering, Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism, Best Comics-Related Book … usw. usw. ) findet ihr auf der offiziellen website der SDCC 2023, HIER!

Alle nominierten (Print-) Titel sollten bei uns im UNFUG erhältlich (oder kurzfristig nachbestellbar) sein (sofern nicht in Einzelfällen -Heftchen- inzwischen „Out Of Print“).